Thursday, 28 March 2013

Hot Glass at Flowerfield

Over the next few weeks there will be quite a bit of hot glass activity happening at Flowerfield Arts Centre.

Renowned american glass blower Scott Benefield will be bringing his portable furnace to the Arts Centre in order to offer workshops to University of Ulster students and also for 5th and 6th form students of local schools to view glass blowing demos. This will take place from Wednesday 17th -Friday 19th April.

On Saturday 20th April from 11am-3pm there will be public glass blowing demos by Scott and Catherine Keenan. This is a rare opportunity to see the process of manipulating and blowing molten glass.

Scott glassblowing at Flowerfield last year

For the first time resident artist Catherine Keenan will be teaching a night class in lampworking. This is due to start on Tuesday 16th April and run for five weeks, from 6.30-9.30pm every night.  This course will allow her to help students get a firm grip on making beads and also learn and experiment with form and pattern application. Fee: £82, £77 concession

She will also be teaching a one day class on Saturday 4th May from 10am-4pm.  Students will learn how to make a basic bead and also a variety of colour and pattern techniques. Fee: £55

For more information or to enrol on either lampworking class contact Flowerfield: 028 70831400

Lampworking class

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